It's becoming readily apparent that, collectively,
we (we being the editors of AoF) suck. As noted a thousand times, we're kinda lazy. Turns out that said laziness, coupled with billable hours, is kryptonite to our posting schedule. OK, perhaps that last statement wasn't entirely true in that only 2/3 of us actually are employed in the private legal sector. Those public sector attorneys (namely yours truly) are blessed with all sorts of spare time. For example, my day today only took place between the hours of 9:45 and 4:30, with an almost 2 hour lunch and about half an hour of assorted breaks scattered throughout. Needless to say, I'd be kind of a piece of shit to ignore AoF entirely. Really, only one thing keeps me from dropping endless nuggets of fact from high above, much like a condor after a spicy lunch would (I realize this is a metaphor better suited for The Upper Decker). I don't want to become the sole poster here because, let's face it, I'm probably a little too self-indulgent in that I largely post for my own whims and ignore the desires of You, the Reader (and by You, the Reader, I literally am referring to what is likely the one person left who reads this dreck).
Case in point of how this blog is gonna probably turn out is the post I'm currently turning in. As noted above, man, lack of time is not the issue. On the other hand, my mailbox is nearly full of nonsense that people send along and, quite frankly, I'd rather make some headway in emptying it rather than come up with original material. Without further ado, a new running column entitled, "What's Filling My Box?". For the first WFMB?, we're gonna have to take a look deep into my box, all the way back to stuff from October. (to answer your question in advance, no, I will never pass up the opportunity to poorly craft anatomical puns).
The first one is especially cheap since it was

passed along by TW. So I guess, in a way, this is a cheap idea stolen from a fellow editor. I'm quite pleased with myself. It's the
MySpace page for the CT Zombie Fest. It has your typical bullshit that a MySpace page has along with some twists. It's plastered with photos of, and crap written by, vapid and soulless creatures that likely roam the earth restlessly. The rest is about zombies. All I can say is that I'm sold. I'm in next year for ZombieFest. Aren't you glad I bothered to pass this along six months ago when it would have been useful?
If you thought that last item was lazy and pointless, wait until you get a load of this ne

xt one. It's one of many chain-type/general nonsense e-mails that my uncle regularly sends out. Honestly, some of my favorite e-mails are those that I get from a generation before us. Computers have been around long enough for them to understand how to use them, but they still feel obligated to pass along every single thing that ends up in their mailboxes (hmmmm, not unlike what I'm doing here). My uncle's emails have an even better twist to them in that he's from Alabama and, along with the usual support our troops, God Bless America, etc. type stuff that one would expect from a good ole Red State, he also sends out total nonsense sometimes. Case in point: This lovely picture to the right. It's purely space filler from my standpoint, but I'd be shocked if, next time I go to visit, he doesn't have the full poster sized version in his boathouse. Just bear in mind that this is a man who defines himself by the amount of Auburn stuff he possesses (he got a full write-up in the paper once about a huge cast-iron War Eagle statute that he has on the front lawn of his lake house) and refers to himself as "Lake Jim". Everyone needs family from Alabama.
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