
Would it be fair to say this is a Fact?: The Internet is an Addiction, Kills

There are a handful of things that really irk me. Crunchy peanut butter, snakes on a plane, the war on drugs, girl scout cookies (the coconut ones, i'm not a coconut fan personally), people not acknowledging when you hold the door for them, sneezing, slow drivers that hold up traffic for miles, and automatic car washes (the ones where you put in some money and they make you do the work). That's the short list, trust me.

What I'm seriously disturbed by this time is the fact that some jackass in China was not only "addicted" to the internet, not only spent his New Years in front of his computer, but this spry 26 year old DIED while sitting at his console. I understand AoF is an entertaining site, but I didn't think it translated this well into mandarin. Helen Mirren must have captured his interest.

Seriously though, there's such thing as internet addiction. This is a serious problem. One excuse was offered...Xu Yan, a local teacher, said the "dull life" during the holiday prompted many people to turn to computer games for entertainment. Holy crap. Read a book, go for a walk, hell go to a strip club.

Tangent: Also, I'm getting a little tired of this addiction turned disease phenomenon. Alcohol used to be an addiction, now alcoholism is a disease. Is a heroin addict afflicted with a disease? Apparently obesity is a disease. Why don't we call it an addiction to all things delicious (or fried, greasy, etc). As a corollary, there's an addiction to being skinny, we call that an eating disorder, but bulemia and anorexia are diseases. Disorders, addictions, they make perfect classification sense. I can buy certain types of mental illness. Schizophrenia, sure. Parkinsons, absolutely. The Internet? Sure with sites like AoF it can be addicting, but to classify it as a disease F that.