
FACT: Part-Time Bloggers: Not so Great

The ever indominable TW hit the nail right on the head the other day and astutely pointed out that this current cycle of AoF posting is indeed somewhat depressing. Not depressing in that "I just got fired from McDonald's and my girlfriend just dumped me and I live in Omaha" kind of way that inevitably leads to mall massacres. More along the lines of the fact that it is thoroughly not all that time consuming and is (usually) an enjoyable pursuit. Come on, what other outlet do I have for all the nonsense in my inbox/incoherent ramblings on the pressing issues of our time. By pressing issues, I mean trying to put together one of those match the celebrity to the upskirt vagina shot. (After years of perusing the celebrity gossip websites the roast beef just tends to run together, which is probably a similar analogy to TW's work at Subway headquarters).

Even though I am really really unemployed it is still difficult to treat this whole blogging thing with any sort of seriousness. I should probably spend every waking second of the day in an unending pursuit of employment, tracking down leads and whatnot. Instead, whenever the bug to write hits, it usually just degenerates into what I just did right now, which is find pictures safe for work of Britney Spears' babymaker and then try to decide whether I should go with LiLo's cooter instead. Note to Law Students out there: get out while you can. It's not too late. Dig ditches, sell black market organs, whatever it takes.

This whole process does give you a whole new appreciation of the fact that all the decent blogs out there are operated by individuals that were crazy enough (or sick of eating dog food and out of options) to actually quit their jobs and do it full-time. Don't worry all you legitimate bloggers out there, I didn't just elevate the status of AoF to be included in the discussion. We still suck. Spread your electronic indignancy elsewhere. Seriously though, TW posts at work, DGD posts while screaming at the Mike and Mad Dog program, and I post when I either have absolutely nothing else to do or feel bad for being so lazy about this. We're semi-pro at best, like the ABA (that's American Basketball Association, not American Bar Association. I gotta set our 3 readers straight sometimes.)

By the way, if you can't tell, this was a complete garbage filler post. I wrote a great summary of an awesome medical study yesterday but the fucking thing was lost in the internet. My internet shit all over itself at the last second in the posting step and there wasn't a backup saved and I screamed and cursed at my computer and eventually settled on not rewriting it in order to eventually culminate in this ridiculous run-on sentence. Ever lose a paper in high school or college or anywhere and not had a backup of it? It sucks. This is worse though, because I actually gave a shit about it. Since there's no motivation for me to ever redo it, I doubt I'll bother. I don't think blogspot is gonna fail me this semester for not rewriting it.