
Fact: Simple Things are Amusing

No apologies, (well kind of) take your smattering of posts and like it. In a span of 3 days my life went from part-time when I feel like it job to, "see you tomorrow at 9, here's a list of 5 million things to do." Like the Patriots, it was a period of adjustment and now I'm coming back to dominate. Which coincidentally is why I wrote this post on Saturday (but didn't finish); because I thought after the close encounter with the biggest shit-bags on earth (read: Eagles fans) at the last game, I thought might actually die when I drunkenly talked shit to a pipe wielding steel worker from Pittsburgh. Actually, no such thing happened. Their fans are as gay and douchey as their current QB. At least I'll admit the shortcomings of past Pats teams (Bledsoe, any of the WR's now slumming for other teams, etc). But these assclowns will still take a bullet (possibly shot from a man-gun into their throat) for Kordell Stewart. Motherfuckers defend him all day long and get worked up about it. Intriguing to say the least.

However, today I realized the simple things in life can be thoroughly entertaining. Back when the AoF HQ was fully staffed, a complimentary tub of hair gel began suspiciously appearing in hidden places in the editors' rooms. Socks, beds, not even blazers hanging in the closet were safe. Each time it was found a voice rang in your head saying: "Gotcha bitch". Picture that blue shit mocking you, not a good feeling. I always enjoyed taking credit for the my most creative spots (but, as I was thinking about it, if my spot was inadvertently found because it smashed all over the floor, I give credit to Xerxes). You too can play this even if you don't live with other dudes, I'm sure girlfriends will enjoy it as well. You have my word.

Secondly, as weeks of anticipation culminate today with the release of the Mitchell Report, TW had a fantastic idea of a Mitchell Report pool. Pick 50 names of who people you think will be on there and the winner takes the sum of the $5 entry. My list was not arbitrary in the least, with selection criteria of "He probably did because his name sounds like it, or, he went on the DL, probably steroids." This effectively killed my productivity and led to this post. Well done all around.