
Fact: Tasers are Fun

AoF has become a depressing cycle of posting, then not posting for a week or two at a time. I feel like every time I write I must first preface what I am saying with an apology to our loyal readership. At this point I'm pretty convinced that there no longer is ANY loyal readership. I'll be honest with you, writing a daily blog is time consuming, particularly when you relegate yourself to posting exclusively while at work. Since I'm on such a tight schedule now...I'm going to make this quick. Deaf guy, in a bathtub. Cops bust in responding to a shooting. See deaf guy soaking wet in a towel. He doesn't respond to their repeated requests (he's deaf after all), they hit him with the Taser. I suppose it's better than a gun. The police chief had to justify the shocking result by explaining that it is important to get control of a serious situation like a shooting as quickly as possible. My question is...where was the threat? Where was he hiding his gun? (That's not a metaphor for junk). Where would YOU hide it?