
FACT: Yankees Begin Long Walk in Valley of Shadows

As I sit here wondering in what direction I want to take my newest Yankee Hating column (by calling this a column it lends itself an air of credibility, kind of like how the New York Post does) I am struck by the absolute randomness of our posting. It's not that that's a problem. In fact, that's kind of the point of the site. No set genre, no clearly delineated topics, etc. It's just that, depending on the sports news cycle, we tend to post quite a bit about, say, exactly how handsome, on a scale of 1 to 10, that gent to the right is. The answer, of course, is that such scales are for mortals. Gods are so handsome they can't be measured.

There is the occasional difficulty in running an extremely random website. For example, just the other day I was trying to list AoF in some of the search engines. The problem I ran into is that they want you to select a genre that your site fits into. I went with social commentary. Seemed the closest. Branding sheer opinion as bedrock fact wasn't one of the options. The pitfalls of unpredictability, I guess. I would also say it's tough on the readership, but it's probably not considering the traffic here is negligible. Not counting the Birdman (aka Justin in the comments). He's loyal, like a carrier pigeon who travels great distances only to return with news from afar.

To start off what I intended on tackling, here's an article from Gawker entitled "Ten Things the Gays Should Know About Joe Girardi". They seem to have no problem with categorizing, and have put the post into the category "Sports for Fags". The premise is that the Yankees are so pervasive a topic that even amongst non-sports fans (the gays, women, etc.) the subject comes up. Although, seeing the absolutely uninformed knee-jerk reactions of the fanbase makes me feel that this seems like necessary reading for just about every Yankees fan. My favorite line: "The Yankees could have hired Don Mattingly (sorta hot in that big-mustache 70s way)..." Take that all you Yankees fans my age who loved Don Mattingly as a child. How do you feel knowing that Donny Baseball is a gay cultural icon?

This Yankees offseason is truly magical so far. Everyone's gone or might be gone. In no particular order: George (the Boss!), Torre, Mattingly, ARod, Mariano, Posada, half the rest of the team being free agents. This doesn't take into account that there are rumors swirling for every decent player in MLB. That means Melky traded, probably also Phil Hughes or the Great Joba. I love waking up at the wee hour of 11:30 every day to run down the street to see the newest headlines. It's Christmas everyday. On a side note: I wonder if I'll see anyone dressed up tonight for Halloween as Cory Lidle. Shouldn't be a hard costume, just the pinstripes and maybe a propeller sticking through your chest. I'd hope the person also got a friend to goes as an enraged Alec Baldwin (he couldn't get near the accident scene at the time and flipped out).


Dougie's Goin Deep said...

Rrrrrrrrrrrooocket! Rocket, Rocket, Rocket!