
Word of the Day

Insufferable: Adj. In-suf-er-ah-buh-l
1. Not to be endured; intolerable; unbearable
i.e. Boston fans are insufferable
Note: Often used in improper situations by emotionally unstable NY fans, perhaps jealous that their closer would have missed the perched eagle with a Bud Light long pour.

I'm not getting into a pissing contest here, but the author of that post lives in NYC, asshole capitol of the world. This doesn't happen in Boston. Nor does our legislature need to take time away from taxing us at .75 on the dollar or creating needless projects for Ted Kennedy's union cronies to propose legislation like this. Although the torch has been passed by at least one person. Speaking of assholes though, Chris Berman needs to stop the nickname schtick, the low point coming with him humming a few bars of "My Sharona" then inserting Titans kicker Rob Bironas in there.

And for the record: Randy Moss, 2 catches, 4 total defenders draped on him. Have I proven the last post's assertion? Perhaps - I'd say more accurately, defending Boston - But 2 things: enjoy it while it lasts because the cyclical nature of sports says in no time your stuck watching 21 year old World Series videos and lamenting. And 2, a better question is do I care? I know Uncle Ralph doesn't.