
From the World of Entertainment

Why do people do what they do? What determines the tastes and preferences of American pop culture? What exactly is pop culture? I could hypothesize a books worth of words trying to figure out the answers to these questions. Rather than do that, I'm going to point out a few things that make me shake my head in amazement. Britney Spears, the unfit mother and one time pop-superstar, has another hit on her hands. I'm going to admit, right off the bat, that I don't know the song. Maybe it's really good. The thing is, even if you try and convince me it is good, I'm going to dismiss your taste in music. Sure that's a close-minded stance to take, but you're also an idiot.

By the way, does anyone remember this? I bet Daniel Edwards (whoever that is) is kicking himself now. Is there a pro-adoption sculpture that can accompany the pro-douchebag-gets-custody and pro-unfit-mother sculptures?

Did anyone know that Hanson still toured? If you are/were a Hanson fan, and/or have been to a Hanson concert in the past...lets say 3 years, I invite you to comment on any of the following: their nusical merits, showmanship, songwriting capabilities, and hairstyles. Also, are they still pedalling MmmmBop as the only recognizeable song they play? I figured they went the way of the Spice Girls or Nsync. You know, one of them goes solo, the other comes out of the closet and the third marries a big time soccer star who doesn't realize he's a dude. I guess I'm more shocked than anything...
You figure it's got to be either public opinion or curiosity, or perhaps even a resiliance that only the Colorado Rockies/Kaz Matsui can muster that keeps bands like Hanson afloat. Why didn't NKOTB (New Kids On the Block), or Kriss Kross survive? (Apparently Hanson has always had their own label. Mystery solved).

Quickly changing gears, we move into the realm of television, movies and "YouTube". They saying is that everyone gets 15 seconds of fame. Not true. Fame-hoggers are everywhere, stealing away fame from everyone else. On average I'd estimate that everyone gets about 6.5 seconds of fame, spaced out over the course of a lifetime. Whether it is being shown on TV while at a sporting event for a half second, or being on the news for something (good or bad) we all manage to get ours. Sometimes though, people choose to make their own headlines. This would be much funnier if the woman hadn't died. Apparently this is what happens in Britan when you smoke a joint and drink at the same time.

Finally, HBO's got another great idea for a TV movie. Rape. Oh, actually it's not rape. Those scripts are forwarded directly to Lifetime and are fast-tracked. I meant the Duke Lacrosse Team Sexual Assault Case. I can't see this being very good. Actually the only way I CAN see this being good is if they cast a Will Ferrel or Sinbad type to play the pimp.